Kole Tang not eating


Reef enthusiast
I bought my Yellow Eye Kole February 27, it hasn't touched food at all. He eats off the rocks and glass, but won't touch food. I've tried Mysis, Mega Marine Algae, Brine, Seaweed sheets, flakes. I put garlic and C in all the food. I even dropped algae wafers in the tank. He's swimming around fine. Should I worry ?
As long as he's looking healthy,then he's still getting the nutrients he needs.
:dunno: Sounds like you've tryed about everything.Maybe try some different brands.
Have you got an algae clip with algae available at all times? They won't always eat when being watched. Also try some meaty foods tangs like those as well as the veggies. The veggies are for health but everyone likes a steak.
Have you got an algae clip with algae available at all times? They won't always eat when being watched. Also try some meaty foods tangs like those as well as the veggies. The veggies are for health but everyone likes a steak.

No, I would have to keep replenishing it all day. The other fish have it gone in 5 minutes. But, some does float around after they are done tearing it up, he still don't touch it.
Mine won't touch the dried nori neither. I do see him pick up left over food in the sand bed though. And he spends all day poking around the rocks, mine looks healthly as well.
I also would try putting some calupra on your veggi clip. Thats what I do cause its what they seem to like the best. Plus my angels dont mess with it as fast as seaweed sheets
I also would try putting some calupra on your veggi clip. Thats what I do cause its what they seem to like the best. Plus my angels dont mess with it as fast as seaweed sheets

I want to try that heard good things. Can't find it local driving me nuts.:frustrat: