keeping water crystal clear


Reefing newb
here is a little mod that I made to the filter media that goes in my media basket, media baskets are awesome idea but alot water flow over it instead of through so I bought some coralife 100 micron filter media, took some measurements, made a template out of cardboard, traced it on to the filter cut it with some scissors and asked my wife to sow them for me, It took her 5 minutes to sow them on the machine it would take me all day lol! the filters are a little higher than the basket which means all water must go throught the filter before going anywere else in the tank. I have less than half the particles floating around in my tank huge improvement from before. here are some pics


  • filter1.jpg
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  • filter2.jpg
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  • filter3.jpg
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  • filter4.jpg
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  • filter5.jpg
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  • filter6.jpg
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  • filter7.jpg
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  • tank with fish.jpg
    tank with fish.jpg
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Thanks guys!
I gotta thank my better half:bowdown: if it weren't for her I wouldnt have done this she sewed everything together and she really did it in like 5-10 minutes:bounce:
If anyone is interested i can make a bunch and ship them out I just need enough people to be interested, plus it really depends I think it might be to costly compared to the regular floss people are using. Micron pad is very expensive compared to floss. If anyone here is interested let me know maybe I can make a bunch I could even improve the fit to better if its worth the time
Grammer Nazi Chiming in...... You sow seeds, you sew fabric. Just so you know.

Also....You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. (just tossing that in for a pig reference for the use of the word sow)