Japanese Pistol


Reefing newb
i just got one of these because they look wicked cool... and i was wondering if anyone knew what goby they prefer to pair with. I know theres a chance they wont pair at all, but i heard the Diamond Goby and the Tiger Pistol were a good match. Is there a goby that would be more appropriate for a Japanese Pistol Shrimp?? (mine is orange/yellow with bright blue pincers)
Anyone ever have one of these? They are little assholes! Online i saw they eat other shrimp, is it true? Or can i have another shrimp in the tank with him? Also, he was picking on a couple of snails and i saw him pick up my starfish's arm with one of his claws... can he do some damage or are all my other critters safe??
I never had one,but I've watched several at the LFS.They're like anything else you add to the tank,its a gamble on weather or not they behave.
And as for doing damage,they DO use that pistol to stun their food.