itty bitty clown trigger?


i love triggers
Ok, i know i have asked about a purple tang(still considering,but its huge) and aggression?So you say gee,a CT is 10x worst,but this thing is the size of a quarter.I know they grow up,but that would be awhile,and my guy says he'd take him back at anytime,if problems arose.They are by far some of the coolest and most intriguing of all fish, IMO.I'm on the fence.........
You surely dont want my opinon because i am one of the few who say screw it and will try anything once or twice maybe even 3 times. But hey we only live once. I just bought a sweetlips that isnt reef safe to put in my reef tank because of the exact same reason you said. They are a very active and intreging fish. She has beautiful colors and markings. So what if it eats crustacians i am willing to buy more so i say go for it. Just be aware that the clown trigger is one of the most aggressive and territorial in it's class
We are too alike!These are my thoughts also.I do have a humu who shows no territorial issues,so i guess i'll post a pic on tuesday morning.:D
Wait IDK.....................................,nah forget it,i'm getting that sucker...
About the biggest problem I can see with a clown trigger,is small fish,shrimp,and crabs along with a finger from time to time.:D
Triggers are predators.So just keep that in mind with later stocking choices.
Thanks,but i think if(when) i get it,it would complete my tank:D....I'd have an angel, 2, triggs,a couple clowns,a flamehawk ,a 6 line,and a royal gramma.I guess if someday the CT took out the RG,and 6 line or clowns,i'd get a purple tang.I'll post a pic on Tuesday.My LFS is closed Sun., Mon.
I had a CT and it was by FAR the most aggressive fish I had ever seen in captivity. It was maybe 4 or 5 inches, and was pure rage with fins. Very fun fish to have, but it quickly destroyed the fins of all the other fish in the tank, and kept the bigger lionfish penned in the same corner 24/7. When I would feed it (to complete satisfaction), I would then try to feed the sun corals with mysis, which at that point the trigger would chomp on the polyps and remove the mysis because it couldn't stand that something else was getting to eat. Crazy but fun fish, you'll decide for yourself if its worth the hassle when it gets bigger.
Cool ,thanks for the input.I have always thought it was a big no-no to keep lions with triggs and puffers,simply because they would nip it away to nothing.