It's rainin' firefish


I failed Kobayashi Maru
Ok...So, I'm on my laptop next to the tank, and I hear a splash, and some water lands on my hand. I'm like WTF?? I look over, and the firefish (Suspect #1, who is now actually a victim) is literally hovering at the water's surface! The li'l sucker tried to jump out!!!
It was feeding time anyway, so I fed him directly where he was at, and he was eating.

The other firefish did nto come out for feeding, so I don't know if he jumped, or just hiding. But he's a piggy, so I'm surprised he didn't come out like always.:dunno:

I'm thinking about returning the skinny one to the LFS tomorrow IF he's still in the tank. I have to make some type of lid for the tank.
Well, I need a lid LOL Just never got around to it. But at the rate that this fish is trying to get out, I do need to start considering making a quick temp one. I might end up just putting him up on craigslist.
I think that should be ok, because the sump is in another room, and completely open, so oxygen should still be ok. Now I have to find a sheet :)

OH yippee....we have a sheet of styrofoam that actual fits over it. I'll use that for tonight right before lights out. Then decide what to do tomorrow.
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OH EW. I found Stumpy. On the carpet. Right behind me. Long dead. Bummer :( Good thing we found him before our ferret (who we just now let out of his cage to let him run around) found him!

EDIT: I'm now thinking that it was Stumpy that cause the splash. *sigh*
Im sooooo jelouse wonton, I had 5 ferrets at one time i miss them lil mischif sons a guns. :bounce:They were fun to watch. sorry about stumpy :grumble:
Im sooooo jelouse wonton, I had 5 ferrets at one time i miss them lil mischif sons a guns. :bounce:They were fun to watch.

The maximum I had at one point was 4...our reason for having 4 was.....well, we started out with one -- a sable....then we decided she needed a friend :) So we got a red eyed white.....then I was at the pet store one day, and I saw this cute li'l black-eyed white, which are somewhat not as common....HAD to get him! He was our only male. Again, we were at a petstore again one day, and saw they had silver mitts! So we ended up with the 4th :) This was over a period of a year. They are just cute!

RIght now, we have one, and I draw the line there. Between the 2 dogs, fishtank, and kids, 1 ferret is good :)
Well, at least Suspect is always out now LOL He's been happily swimming around, and not hiding even when I go near the tank. We bought some egg crate to use as a lid for any future jumpers.