

Reefing newb
So i woke up this morning and my 6line wrasse is picked clean, to the bones by my hermits. Yesterday when i checked him out he was 100% fine, i even looked at him in detail, i had an ick problem which he survived and ive been keeping an eye on him to make sure he didnt have any spots, which he didnt. So somewhere from yesterday to today somethin happened and he died. The only other thing in my tank is a White Ribbon Eel which has never nipped at any fish or anything. All my corals are doing great, and also the anemone. I checked my parameters and everything checks out fine, ammonia might be a little high but i mean like really a LITTLE... like 0.08 - 0.12 at the most (they are API test kits so not really the most accurate either)...... temp has been at 79 constantly for the past few months, pH 7.8, nitrite and nitrate at 0.

What could have caused it? Can it be the slight ammonia rise? Or could my eel have bit it and then the crabs took over??? Anyone have any ideas?

Also, now that ive been kinda freaking out i think my eel might be acting a little different too... this might be just because im looking for something to be wrong...
you checked your water after a fish died in your system. its possible that the dead carcass could have wacked the parameters a bit. that being said i wouldn't put it past the eel. they will go for most things they can fit in their mouth from what i hear.
The PH is a bit low,but that could be from testing right after the lights came on.The ammonia could be up a tad from the dead fish like Alexander said,or it could be the test kit.Sometimes you'll get one that will show a trace of ammonia reguardless.
Sometimes a fish just dies.Those are the ones that really make you pull your hair out because were so intent on trying to find the reason.
Hate to hear of the loss.
on the one hand im glad he died cause he's been in the tank alone for a month or so terrorizing my featherduster... and i was worried he was gonna be bossy to any other fish i would add in there now, but i just wanna make sure in not missing something because i dont wanna get fish if theres something going on in the tank.