Is XM any good?

Ccapt posted something abour par ratings of MH bulbs awhile back...XM is a good brand. I'll see if I can find Ccapt's thread ...gimme a minute.

1 minute is up and here you go.

Originally posted by Ccapt in his build thread

Here are the results of my PAR test. I measured it the same as the test I did for the 175w bulbs.
1st # is the reading above the water about 6" below the bulb. The meter goes up to 1999. The 250w XM 10k pegged it, so I don't know how high that really goes.
2nd # is 1" below the water surface.
3rd # is 12" below the water, about 1/2 down in my tank.
4th # is on the bottom, which is about 24" of water.

XM 20K~~~1280~~~375~~~220~~~155
XM 10K~~1999+~~1060~~~520~~~340
