Is it ok if a rock touches the glass?


Reefing newb
Well I know I've heard people say that you don't want to let any of your rocks touch or lean on the glass, and I don't. But I have this small 3-4 pound triangle shaped rock, and to put it where I want it, I would have to let the top point of the "triangle" lean on the back glass a little bit. I don't think it would be very noticeable, but I don't think this would cause a big problem.
All my rocks have always been up against the back glass too. In most tanks I think it's impossible to aquascape without doing that.
IMO, I would rather have the rock leaning against the glass and be supported than have a rock fall and hit the glass because ti was propped in a way that wasn't secured.
The rock is up against the corner of my tank too. I think the only problem it could create is not getting much flow back there and waste building up. Also impossible to clean the glass without moving the rock. I say go for it!
Yeah I remember that post. Nightmare!!!! I'm glad my tank's in the basement where it's concrete under the carpet, but still. I'd be heartbroken for the loss of my fishes' lives.
If you read the thread, the scariest part is that the water destroyed his TV, furniture and carpet too! Yeah, I test all my rock for stability!
I've seen that thread before. It is freaky at first but if you read on he did some pretty stupid and unsafe things that ultimately led to that disaster.

Letting a rock lean against the back glass is not going to do that...putting 20lb rocks at the top of a stack teetering on the edge without securing them COULD do that. If you choose not to secure your rocks at least know how they will fall if they were to.

Personally, I don't lean rocks on the glass because of flow issues. I still can't get a magfloat back there but then I don't bother cleaning the back glass anyway. But it won't hurt if you lean some stuff against the will actually make it more secure. Things leaning on the glass didn't cause the scary pics in that thread...things crashing into the glass because of falling did. :)