Interesting New ORA Clowns

Damn those are ugly. They look like goldfish. If I wanted goldfish, I'd have a goldfish bowl -- much easier and cheaper than SW! But you know that Dustin would be first in line to buy them anyways.
Pretty soon we will have true albino clowns just like freshwater cories. Picassos are one thing these cross the line IMO
I just got an email from my LFS that within 2 weeks they are getting 2 of these little guys. They said that because there is such high demand that there will only be 2 being sent to them and that they are forming a waiting list for them now. They are going for 350-450 each.

They took a perfectly beautiful fish and made it disgusting and they are charging 450 for them? I've got 2 black ocellaris that are actually pleasant to look at. If anyone is interested I'm selling them for 975 each. Oh BTW that includes shipping...
i would rather pay 20 for a regular clown than those ones

I think I might rather pay $20 not to have one of those ugly things. It would be funny if they couldn't find anyone who wanted them!

I just, this weekend, got an email from the local FS (SWSW) here in Tucson and the owner said they were $350-$450 each and could only get 2 of them. Very limited! He's taking orders! I guess for a fish that ugly it should be limited. :bounce:
with them being limited, rare, new, designer, and ORA that will not be a problem no matter the price. just wait for the divers den to post some up soon and see how fast they go
Amazing! Even if they were beautiful, I would :pooh: if I got one and it died. Not even worth the risk. The most I've ever paid was $225 for a fish.