info on metallic foxface?


Reef enthusiast
So, I saw what was labeled as a "metallic foxface rabbitfish" in an LFS in Seattle. After some research, I think its scientific name is siganus magnificus, but it's also called a silver foxface rabbitfish.

It's a beautiful rabbitfish, and I don't usually like rabbitfish at all. My question for everyone is, any experience with this species of rabbitfish? Reef safe? I do have lots of LPS, and I've heard that rabbitfish in general might eat LPS... what do you guys think?
I have never seen a foxface of any kind nip at a coral.We've had em in the reeftanks at the store and I've had a couple in my own tanks.
They will go after any algae that might be growing on the coral skeletons.
I think the biggest risk from have a rabbit fish,is getting stung yourself.
As long as you provide him with a varied diet lots of vitamins and algae you shouldn't have a problem. I have a magestic in my 850 and generally he is pretty good. On occasion when I put my kids on a diet he will start nipping at my colt coral, He doesn't seem to hurt it to much, as soon as I go back to my normal feedings he stops.

I have a foxface lo in my 180 that has never touched anything.
I've had a foxface for almost a year now, and he hasn't nipped at any of the variety of corals I have. (I suspect he ate my yellow polyps, because everytime I try to add any, they disappear, but I have no evidence!) He is voracious at eating algae, tho.

He's great, tho, tons of personality. I'm afraid he might be a little big for my tank tho.