Im soooo stokedddd!!


overly obsessed
well tomorrow my lfs is getting in 2 yellow belly hippo tangs. Just like i requested :) and i would really like to go get one! they are small ones, 1-2.5". For 64.99

I hear they are prone to ick so im going to qt it. and this will be the first time i qt something so hopefully i wont do it wrong. we will see.

im stoked :bounce::bounce::bounce:
well tomorrow my lfs is getting in 2 yellow belly hippo tangs. Just like i requested :) and i would really like to go get one! they are small ones, 1-2.5". For 64.99

I hear they are prone to ick so im going to qt it. and this will be the first time i qt something so hopefully i wont do it wrong. we will see.

im stoked :bounce::bounce::bounce:

Your tank's a little small for one, they grow pretty quickly.
You are kind of on the fringes of having the tank size that will accomodate them. IMO their (the tang) size doesnt mean anything. They are swimmers and too small of a tank will harm them but you should be OK. Good luck on the new tang.
That`s the only reason I say you should be OK but realize that hippo`s are pronounced ich magets by most folks. Why is that? The number one reason that tangs end up with lowered immune systems and ich most of the time is because of a too small tank. I personally dont think a tang should be in anything less than a 6 ft tank but that is me and just IMO. Liveaquaria is a very reputable dealer. I will respect their judgement.
I think it'd be fine in his tank -- but probably not forever. It will take a while for a small one to get large enough to need to be moved from a 75.
Tucson,you sure don't miss a beat..LOL!

Congrats and good luck.The really tiny hippos are even harder to keep.Even more prone to getting sick,adapt etc.
Definitely. Seaweed(or nori or however you spell it) soaked in vitamins and garlic is all I feed my yellow tang now every other day. But because the yellow belly will be so young I will feed less but everyday.
I fear your yellow is going to bully him into a corner and never let up.Your yellow has probably already taken full reign of your tank.Plus a 75 for 1 is tight,but 2 is really pushing it.I wish you luck,and if it comes down to it you can use the mirror trick.
You place a small mirror in the tank,before putting the new fish in.The yellow tang(in this case,can work with many)will be way more interested in another yellow in the tank ,and should focus all its energy on his own reflection,leaving the new one be.
I had 2 tangs for a while. A large Kole yellow eye tang and they yellow tang for a while. I just recently decided to sell the yellow eye for something else. the yellow eye was given to me or free and I wasn't too fond of the fish in the first place because I knew I wasn't going to be able to get the two tangs I wanted. I kept him for a while then sold him. But the yellow is a baby too and even let's the algae blenny eat nori right beside her. So I don't believe her to be agressive yet.
heres the pictures i promised :)

you cant see the yellow belly yet as they are just babies
but lets hope the store didnt mislead me. They have never let me or my cousin down before but we will see.

one is mine and one is my cousins. they are both already eating nori and mysis.:)
