I need a new fish...

What should I get, 46g I know it's not big enough for a tang I know now I wish I went bigger... But I have a fire fish, PJ cardinal, 6 line wrasse and a lawnmower blenny.
Is this a reef tank? If not then a dwarf angel like a flame or coral beauty. If it is a reef then a pink spotted goby would be nice. Pic below.


Also every SW tank needs a clown fish. Just another idea
That's my suggestion...a pair of small clownfish(clarkii's,percula's,etc.), or a single larger clownfish(Maroon,tomato,etc.)
No, I'm obsessed with leopard wrasses. But I think a leopard wrasse would need a larger tank than Seattle's.

I just don't know of anyone else that has scissortail dartfish. I can't be the only one?