I just dropped a new piece of coral


Phish Head
in my tank and I can't find it for the life of me. Should I start moving my live rock to find it or what? Will it mess everything up if it dies in there? It's a plate monti, but this one is purple. I can't believe I can't find it.
It happens all the time :(

It's up to you to decide if it's worth it to go searching. In my 240, if something fell behind the rocks, forget about it. I couldn't even reach the bottom of that tank, so lost corals were as good as dead.

If you really like that coral and are super bummed about losing it, then start moving rocks. But anytime you move rocks, you risk kicking off a mini cycle.

It probably won't mess anything up if it dies.
Well I moved my rock around a little, and I didn't kick up much sand at all. I went out of the room for one second and it was gone. There is only one logical place it could be, but I can't find it.
Yeah, detritus tends to get trapped in and beneath rocks, and you can stir all that crap up and release it into the water when you move them around. Unlikely, but possible.
Yeah, detritus tends to get trapped in and beneath rocks, and you can stir all that crap up and release it into the water when you move them around. Unlikely, but possible.

I have a Koralia 1 in the back corner of my tank and it just blasts water under the rock. Some of my rock is propped up on hidden PVC so flow can get under there. I think it has helped with the whole issue of detritus traps under the rock.
I have one of my K3s that pushes water directly along the back wall. I also "dust" with a turkey baster at least once a week to prevent buildup, especially with my recent algae issues. Maybe I shouldn't be so worried.
Ever since I put my pistol shrimp in the 125, he's done a number under ALL my rocks :) He's really doing his digging! Hopefully he keeps doing that to sift the sand.