
After something like 3-4 days of being up, my new tank is reading 0 ppm for ammonia. How? Ph is at 8.4....i still need to buy a alk test as it doesnt come with the API test kit and when i went to petco they had one but it was made by Red i wasnt sure about those kits so i didnt buy it. Do i dare put a small CUC in?
Did ammonia ever got up? Did you add something to start a cycle (like uncured live rock, a piece of shrimp or fish food)?

I use the Red Sea alk kit. I personally have not had problems with it, but I know others on here don't like that brand.

Do you have algae? If not, a CUC wouldn't have much to eat.
No. I added caribean sea substrate that said instant cycling on it. I added about 2~3 lbs of cured LR from my reef tank.... The tank is crystal clear, no algea. Should I add a fish to start a cycle like a damsel? I just boughtthis kit today so this is my first real testing. Just really found this odd for a brand new tank. I never really started a cycle for my reef tank. I waited a week did a water change and added cured LR and a damsel and my tank cycled within a month. Nothing ever died on me cept a snail that I didn't acclimate right.
The substrate that says "instant cycling" doesn't really do that. Since you added established rock, you're not likely to see a cycle. Don't cycle with fish. You should never cycle with fish! :evil:

If I were you, I'd add a pinch of food, let it rot, and see if your params spike. If they don't, you are good to add livestock. If they do, wait for the cycle to finish before adding anything.
Even less than half a cube. Maybe just a 1/4. If ammonia is going to spike, it should go up within 3 or 4 days. So if nothing happens, you are good to go.

That's one of the good things about using mature, established live rock to set up a new tank. You can usually skip the cycle if the rock has been kept nice and wet during the move.
Thanks Sarah I'll add that food right now and test in a few days....I was supposed to buy some nice bigger pieces of well established LR today but we had a pretty big storm and I don't think the lfs is Gunna open. I'll have to wait till Tuesday to construct a cave for the mantis =o
Just an FYI, you should aim for around 1-2 pounds of LR per gallon of tank. So I would say in your 46 you should aim for 46-92 pounds. You can also add dry base rock and the live rock you have will seed it and it will become live in no time.
I have around 50lbs in my 46. This 20g I'll have around 18-20...just have to wait for the lfs to open. I've never used anything but cured LR from well established tanks about 3 minutes away from my house. with one
don't wait "several days" to test the ammonia. I'd test it 12 hr after adding the food, then every 24 after that. you should also be tracking nitrite and nitrate.