How would you stock a 36" open cube?


Reef enthusiast
I'm looking for fish suggestions.
I'm excited to be able to get some bigger fish than i had in my 46g, but I know I need to be aware of jumpers with the open top.

What would you get?
Right now all I have is one false perc clown and one small blue/green chromis.
That's the delimma, isn't it? All that space + All the cool fish options = headache LOL I would say firefish, but they're jumpers (although neither one of mine have jumped)
When i took apart my 46g that had a full canopy except for a little open space in back, i found my firefish. ;)
DOH! I'm lucky I guess, SO FAR.

I just realized, too, you said "Bigger" fish. I usually just go up and down liveaquaria for ideas :) Sorry, not much help, since I"m in the same boat of deciding what fish I want to get next for the 125g....unlike you, mine's pretty much fowlr, so i'm not limited.
+1 Mike
I didn't have any make it out of my tank since I have a full canopy, but I did find them in the overflow a few times.