How much flow on clam?


Reef enthusiast
I've increased the flow on my Maxima clam and also his position and now he opens and close a lot especially when a fish swims over him. Is this bad. Also can his foot break rock? It looks like he crushed a little rock when he grabbed on.
I believe they prefer low to moderate flow, and as far as the sudden closing, that's a natural defense when something is above them. Clams are rock borers, so they are capable of borrowing into rocks to become more stable, which is also a natural defense, they let out some sort of acid that breaks the rock up, so they can bury their foot deeper into the rock.
yea smitty is right I have 2 a blue max and sqamosa its a sign of a healthy clam clams do require a good amout of light though I don't know where you placed him but mine is mid level in a 90 gal can take your hand and wave it infront of the light and he should respond by closeing (not all the way )..:Buds:
Yeah but he clams up every time a fish swims over him which is a lot. Maybe once a minute. Can the clam close up too many times? Does that stress them or something?
Yeah but he clams up every time a fish swims over him which is a lot. Maybe once a minute. Can the clam close up too many times? Does that stress them or something?

Thats a sign that your clam is healthy.Its what they are supposed to do.
Yeah but he clams up every time a fish swims over him which is a lot. Maybe once a minute. Can the clam close up too many times? Does that stress them or something?

My clam closes up everytime my shadow passes infront of the tank. Doesnt even block the light from the fixture or anything.