How deep is your sandbed?


Reef Enthusiast
On our 55g we have about a 4" depth with 70lbs of sand. We will probably have to buy more for our 90g just not sure how much. Our levels read good all the time, we haven't ever had any spikes of anything and our tank has been up and running for 3.5 months *knock on wood that they remain good in the 90g*.

I think a 4" would be fine.. We probably need another 30-40lbs but I don't know, just wanted some opinions.
I think four inches is a little overkill. Most people do an inch or two.

My tiny tank had about 1.5" deep bed, and then I added my pistol shrimp. Now it's bare in some places and super deep in others.
So, is a shallow sandbed better than a deep sandbed? I always thought deeper was better. I used garf's sandbed calc and 70lbs is enough in a 90 for a 2" :)
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I would not go any deeper than 2". 1" to 2" is ideal. 4" is not considered a "deep" sand bed. It's not deep enough to create an anaerobic environment -- but it is deep enough to collect detritus and build up over time, and make it difficult to keep clean. A deep sand bed should be at least 6" deep, and should not be in the display tank -- it should be located remotely, like in a refugium.
It seems like wasting space and making life more difficult having more than a couple inches, but that's me. I like it to be a white unnoticeable part of the tank preferably.
I personally would consider gluing sand to a piece of plexiglass next time I set up a tank and not have any sand...but I like my sand-dwelling things.