Horseshoe Crab


Reef pro
Scientific name - Limulus polyphemus

Family – Limulidae

Common name – Horseshoe Crab

Max Size – 12 in (30 cm) For the smaller species

Min. Aquarium size – 180+ gal

Range: Atlantic Ocean

Care Level – Easy

Temperament – Peaceful

Foods and feeding – This crab will search through the sand bed looking for food, but its diet need to be supplemented with quality meaty foods. Most will starve in captivity.

Supplements: Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Trace Elements

Aquarium suitability - Please leave this creature in the ocean.

Reef compatibility – With Caution

Captive care – The horseshoe crab requires a large (10 sq ft), deep (6+ in) sand bed for them to dig in looking for food, but the do need a supplement diet. They can cause rock structures to fall over as they move the sand bed around. When they are larger they can harm other creatures in the tank, such as worms and clams as they root around. Crabs are extremely sensitive to nitrates and copper and small amounts will kill them.
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