

Reefing newb
so ive been running gfo for just over two weeks and ive seen no notable difference...
in fact since then im having the first decent algae outbreak in months, and there is no colour change to my corals... im using ROWA phos media that i jerryrigged in between my filtermedia in the hob filter. any comments or tips?
i did make a stupid mistake when rinsing off the media tho.... i started running it under tap water before realizing the infinite reasons why i shouldnt do that so i quickly switched to RO rinsing but could that really be the cause of all this?
probably not caused by the tap water. Also, I don't think that media is GFO... it's apparently a phosphate remover, but based on this info (D-D ROWAphos Phosphate Removal Media Images ) it doesn't look like GFO to me. GFO is generally orange-red... you know, the color of rust. 'cause that's what it is. :D

I've never used this particular media, but for actual GFO, it's more effective to get a reactor that forces water through the GFO than rely on the method you're using. I got my setup from BRS: Dual BRS GFO and Carbon Reactor - English also, check out some of their videos on the topic of GFO.
Did you test your phosphate before you started using the GFO and then afterwards? I find it hard to believe there is no drop in the levels.
doesn't matter... if you have algae, you've got phosphate somewhere.... but you probably won't be able to detect it with a test kit anyway because it's consumed by the algae. What you really should look for is a decrease in algae growth over time.
OK! thats exactly why i hadnt bought a test kit because i hear such conflicting arguments on weather they even detect it or not before the algae consumes it... the thing is.... i havent had any algae for a pretty long time but it was concluded [by this forum] that i had a phosphate/dissolved organic issue because of my browning sps... now however after i add a phosphate removing layer into my filter, the algae is growing out of no where and the corals dont look any better.... HMPH
I don't know. Maybe 2 weeks is too soon to see a difference? Maybe since you have it in your HOB filter it's not working effectively? Sorry, I don't know. :(
are you running it in a filter sock or with a reactor? again, big difference in efficiency between the two. it's possible that you may have so much organics mucking up your water that it will take a long time to remove them, or a more efficient means of doing so. good luck.