High Temps?


Broke Reefer!
How high can the temp in a tank go before things start dying? It was the first real summer-like day here in Boston and my 10g was up around 82 degrees when I came home, I figured that was high but not deadly. Then just noticed my fish starting to act almost frantic-like, darting around the tank - looked at the temp and it was at 83.7. I've put two ice cubes in a plastic bag in the HOB filter to bring the temps down. I need to configure a screen top for days like this, but with a firefish don't want to risk taking the hood off. So I guess I'm just wondering how high can the temp go before I really need to start worrying?
I have no idea what kind of limit there is really, but I think what effects it most is a sudden drop or increase in temp is what can be deadly.
What type of screen do you have? A netting one shouldnt retain any heat. My method for this is to just run a small fan across the surface of the tank.
Yeah, I don't want to drop the temp too fast! I actually don't have a screen - just the stock hood that came with the 10g tank, so it doesn't offer much air flow. I tried to retrofit some screen to the area that flips up for feeding, but I couldn't get it to stick, so went the ice cube method instead. I've got the screen material from BRS for my 90, but guess I'd better get on top of making a little screen for my 10g too. I've been keeping the tank around 79.3, so this was a few degree increase over the course of the day. I'm going to try to bring it down a degree or so but then let it cool off naturally over the night so that I don't bring it down too fast.
from what i have read i have learned that at 84 degrees is the max but it cant stay there for long. anything higher will start killing off stuff. I try to keep my tank at 77-78
Okay, fixed up a very temporary screen with double-sided tape:

Let's hope it can keep Violet inside the tank!

Not really sure it will withstand the force of a jumping firefish, but fingers crossed she sleeps through the night and the kitties don't end up with an unexpected treat at 2am! lol
if you have a small fan or a fan that can do vary low speed you can aim it at the water and let it cool that way

Unfortunately I don't have a fan to blow across the top. But its already cooled off more than a degree, so at this point I'm just going to let it happen over time. I'm a bit concerned it will cool too fast at this point - it is only April after all and there is a very nice cooler breeze coming in the windows. I'm actually thinking I might need to get up to check on the tank in a few hours to make sure the temp hasn't dropped too fast!
Well the tank was 76.6 when I woke up this morning - that's a big drop! Everyone seemed to be okay but I'm definitely going to need to figure something out to keep temps stable in this little tank before summer really arrives!
Well, if you have a heater, it shouldn't go down that low. So having the open top plus the heater should help regulate the temp.
Okay, fixed up a very temporary screen with double-sided tape:

Let's hope it can keep Violet inside the tank!

Not really sure it will withstand the force of a jumping firefish, but fingers crossed she sleeps through the night and the kitties don't end up with an unexpected treat at 2am! lol

Beautiful fish. and I love those rocks what are they??