Here is a new one. Slug / nudibranches?

Rob M

Reefing newb
Here is the situation I have been noticing my beautiful colt coral shrinking and one section just disappear over 2 to 3 week. Parameters have been stable and ideal. Researched issues and several people said they will sulk and she'd for a week or so sometimes but this was going on for a long time. Several nights when looking with a flashlight I thought the trunk looked like it had an orange fungus but would be gone next day so thought nothing of it. I finally decided to do a dip and walla I gong these two large slugs nudibranches things under the rock it was based on. Then realized this wS the color of the fungus I thought I saw at night. These are not small they extend to oner an inch. So question did anybody have these and will my colt bounce back? The dip I did was a seachem coral dip. Thanks
hi when i first started out my first coral was a colt morning i was dead pleased to see wot u have shown here.not sure wot nudibranch it is i cant remember.anyway told the wife and showed the kids all pleased to see that nudibranch .over a short time i noticed my colt coral had bits missing and didnt look well.eventually it perished .thought maybe i hadnt let tank cycle.reading one day about that nudibranch i realised it was the killer of my colt.the nudibranch died not long after as i believed it starved
It should recover but keep a eye out for baby nudis the dip will likely not affect eggs So just keep a close eye on it and watch for that same slime color.
Thanks all. I will watch closely. I still could not believe how big these got and how well they camouflage.
Colt coral bounced back very fast even after losing a section. Looks very healthy again. I will continue to look for babies.