

Sail em & Sell em
Ok I have never had this happen before everything has been going good. My mushroom and star pylops are fine and have been rapidly growing like crazy! My mushroom that ripped has now multplyed in to 3 mushrooms! but now I went and got a recordia and a clown fish and my amonia and nittrates are a little high and now today my recordia has gotten way smaller tonight in the last 10 mins what should I do all my other fish and corals are very pretty is there somehing I can put in the tank to bring the levals back down and what do the recordia eat? the pet store said they just put frozen shrim in there coral tank which I think theres a little more then that..... Please if anyone knows let me know I have to run to the hospitle but I will be back on later tonight.....

Thank you all........

If you have ammonia in your tank, it is highly toxic. Do a partial water change to help bring that down. Nothing you can really add that isnt just a band aid to cover up that. Keep an eye on it and keep the water changes going until it is gone.

As for the ric, I would let it settle in before trying to feed it. It could be just a bit stressed from shipping and the elevated ammonia levels. Sorry, I read that as you just got the ric. Disregard the statement about the shipping
Thank you much.... Now I have a salt water puffer tank. When we got them they were in fresh water and now we have alk. in to full marine. In there tank we use amonia chips in a media filter bag along with the other fiter pad... Can I use this in the regular salt water tank also? I was told to use it in the puffer tank cause they let off alot of amonia which you can tell they do! and they help in that tank, but I dont want to hurt my corals. I think I am going to just do a water change and see how that goes after a couple days. PLease let me know if anyone knows about amonia chips in a reef tank??!!
You are better off just doing the water change. I don't think ammonia chips work fast enough to make a difference in your situation.
Ok Thank you all I have posted a pic of my ric I have not did a water change yet this morning But am going to the pet store right now to get water and salt. My ric is huge now So I dont know what his problem was last night he just shriveled up to a size of a quarter and now its fine it lasted about 30 mins like that. hes way bigger then he every has been now! so I dont know! thanks all
Here are the pictures of my new muchrooms and my ric. Hes alot happier now! My clown fish has nelleled right up in him like hes an anemone! its cute! Thanks For all your help reefers! :bounce:


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Looks good! But that's not a ricordea. That's a hairy mushroom (rhodactis mushroom).

I have hundreds of the same ones in my tank.
Really I am calling the pet store right now I paid 40 bucks for that and was told it was a ric. They sell single mushrooms for 8 bucks at the petstore here and if thats the case Im gonna get 30 bucks back!
Oh yeah. Get your money back. You should be able to buy that kind of mushroom for a buck. I'm serious. It's not a ric. Even so, you should not have paid $40 for a ric either! They are usually $10 to $20 a polyp. If I were you, I'd switch stores... It sounds like you are getting majorly ripped off!

These are what you have (pics of my two clowns in their hairy mushrooms):

+1 Biff....Not only are they ripping you off. But if they don't know the difference between a hairy mushroom and a ricordea they're in the wrong business. And if they do know the difference and purposely mislabeled it, then they are just running a scam. Either way, that would be my last visit to that store.
So ya I went to the store and complained! haha They did nothing, she said " I know it was a ric because thats what our buyer sells them to us as, and plus I was going to buy that one you guys took that day" I said "so you are meaning to tell me this CORAL book I have here with these pic's and and there diffrences is wrong?" (I grabbed it off there shelf) and she still refused so... PETLAND is a No go for me! I am calling corprate tomorrow and complaing about there fish dept. and getting my money back!!!!! If any one else has a hairy mushroom please post the pic or even a ric.... Im taking my laptop there and showing them this site. alsoThey don't believe me it exists..... THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!
Use the pictures I posted on the first page of this thread. That is 100% hairy shroom!

Sorry to hear about their crappy service... It's better that you don't shop there anyways. They are overcharging you, even if it was a ric.
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You shouldn't shop at Petland anyway. Notorious for using puppy mills.

Yay David! This is very true. They keep getting fined over and over. I guess it's cheaper to pay the fines and continue selling multi-thousand dollar puppies that were bred in inhumane conditions.

I won't step foot in Petland for that reason.