Help with new live rock


Reefing newb
Just 2 quick questions about what came with the live rock i put in today. the first one is a small anemone with a white body and light purple tentacles i was just wondering if it was aptasia?

The second is green and purple and kinda looks like a mushroom anemone there a 3 of these on one rock in differant sizes but the biggest looks like it is ripped but this happened after about 4 hours of being in the tank.

Any help would be appreciated i have photos but cant seem to add them to the post.

thanks in advance
Mosh you have a photobucket account, if not I would recommend registering for it... Then you simply upload your photos to photobucket, then copy the url to your post via the insert image button...
Or you can upload them to the Living Reefs Photo Gallery (go to Photo Gallery, Upload, then select your files and choose which gallery you want to put it in), then cut and paste the "BB Image Code" into your post. Or using photobucket, cut and paste the
It's easy.

First, you have to UPLOAD the pics from your computer to Living Reefs.

Go to the home page for living reefs. Right up there on the top left is a button that says PHOTO GALLERY. Click it. It orange in the pic I took.


Now go about 3/4 way to the right side of the page and look at the second line. There is a button there called UPLOAD. Click it. It's orange in the pic I took.

Now that will take you to the upload screen. This is where you transfer files (pics) from your computer to the Living Reef server. You're going to see a bunch of blue buttons. BROWSE Click the first one.

Thats going to pop open a window to your harddrive.

Use that to navigate through your computer to find the pics you want to upload. Double click the pic. It's now ready. Thats going to take you back to the window with all the blue BROWSE buttons.

Continue to click the blue browse buttons until you have loaded up about 4 or 5 pics. I have a super duper fast cable connection, and I can't get it to upload more than 4--6 pics at a time.

Now you have to place it in a category. Use the drop down buttons to place your pics in any of the categories. (Tank, Inverts, Equipment, misc.)

Now scroll down and give it a title or a name or make comments if you wish.
Now scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue SUBMIT button.

Now it should take you to either one of these screens.

If you're loading up big photos and your loading up more than one--it usually takes you to another screen where you can add comments and edit. When your ready to upload them to Living Reef, once and for final, scroll to the bottoom of the page and hit the PROCESS button.

If you're only loading up a single pic and it's small, you will usually be taken directly to this page.

Okay, now they are loaded up into the Living Reefs server. Your 1/2 way there.

Now you want to embedd the pics in the discussion threads. Easy.

First thing you want to do is go into the thread you want to participate in. Now you need to work with 2 windows open at the same time. If your using Internet Explorer, just press the CTRL and the N keys at the same time. That will pop an identical window as the one your looking at right now. Go ahead, do it now. It just opens another window just like the one your looking at now.

Size both windows so that you can bounce back and forth between them with relative speed.

Now hit the REPLY button to take you to this screen:

This is where you have to jump over to the other window. You should have your personal photo gallery open and have your pics there in front of you. Just click the pic you want to upload. Now scroll down the page to the spot where you see text and code next to the big bold BB IMAGE CODE: Right click on the code/text and COPY

Now jump back to the first window in the REPLY box.

Now just right click and PASTE.

It will look like this:

Now just type away.

Jump back and forth between your photo gallery and the REPLY box and paste pic codes into the mesasage. When you're done, hit the REPLY button at the bottom of the page, just like normal.
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Oh my god RC, you must be sooo bored today!! You actually took screen shots of every step! Either that or you REALLY want to see these creatures that Moshuk is talking about!

Mind if I make your most excellent post a sticky somewhere, since "How do I post pics?" seems to be one of the most common questions around here?
I would be honored.

I'm bored. Had the afternoon off and I'm just killing time until I head out to the flying field tonight. Thursday is Training Night. We shut down the field and only allow newbies and instructors to fly from 4pm---dark. I'm a volunteer instructor. Been flying about 9 or 10yrs. Been instructing for about 7yrs. I like teaching and helping people. I have a bad back, so this is my contribution to the club. Other guys can fill prarie dog holes and dig fence post holes and run the snowblower. I am a board member and an instructor.

I got tired of seeing people ask that same question over and over. So, I fixed it. :Cheers:
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ok heres the pictures and thanks for the help on uploading them

Heres the grenn and purple thing this was taken yesterday. Its in worst shape today.

heres the anemone

The first is definitely a mushroom. Good score on your live rock! The second LOOKS like aiptasia, but I can't say for sure. If I were you, I would get rid of it. Better safe than sorry. Especially if it starts multiplying and spreading.
I think the mushrooms got damaged in transit cause there not looking very healthy. Is there anything i can do? have found another 2 small anemones on other peices of live rock all are differant colours.

this was cured live rock so how long before a can get my cleaning crew,mainly a peppermint shrimp for the aptasia?

thanks for your help
The mushrooms will probably recover. They are pretty hardy. If they detach from the rock, you can pick them up and put them in a plastic cup with some rocks on the bottom. Then put a piece of mesh over the top of the cup and rubberband it in place. Put the cup in your tank and leave it alone until the mushroom reattaches itself to the rocks in the cup. Then you can take it out and put it back in the tank.

If the rock is cured, then you may not see much of a cycle, although it is possible that there will still be enough die-off to start a cycle. I would test your water parameters regularly, and if your ammonia and nitrite stay at zero for a week, I would go ahead and add the cleaner crew then. Make sure your nitrates stay as close to zero as possible too.
Thats a green stripe mushroom. I have several. Very hardy. They can actually take moderate flow and light, so don't be afraid to put them in a tiny bit of current and some decent light. They are filter feeders, so don't bother trying to feed them.

On second thought, I'd take it easy on them until they look healthy again. Keep them in low current and don't burn them up with too much light. Keep them low in the tank and out of high flow areas.

One of mine has split twice since I put it in my tank 8 weeks ago. :bounce:
Up until I upgraded my tank a few weeks ago, I never had any luck with shrooms splitting. In a year and a half, not one of them ever split. In the last few weeks, I've had my purple, my green striped, and my rhodactis split. I wonder why. It's weird.
could be splitting from stress from moving to a new tank. a lot of mushrooms are propagated by creating stress. it is called stress splitting ... interestingly enough, huh ??