Help with identifying something strange!


Reefing newb
My tank has now been set up for 10 weeks. I have a few various corals 2 common clowns, scooter dragonet and a fairy wrasse. On Saturday I added a feather worm. I have been looking in my tank tonight and the feather worm has moved nearer to a close by piece of LR. Just under the LR and right next to the feather worm I noticed something that looked like tenticles as it came out further from the rock it looked like a normal garden worm but with an armour shell! It didn't come completely out from under the rock but now worried in case this is bad for my tank. Sorry no photo. It was a red colour with brown and White colour tenticles. Can anyone enlighten me as to what this could be. It also had spines on it's side like a brisstle worm but don't think it's a brisstle worm unless they grow big!
More than likely a bristle worm.Nothing to worry about.
They are hands down the best cleaners in the tank.
They can get quite large too. Be careful and don't handle one.

[ame=]YouTube - Bristle worm[/ame]