help w/ my reef tank!!!!!!


Reefing newb
yea im just starting up my new tank(12g nano cube dx for my desk at college) and the local pet store is not so great so i had my dad send me up a few things. I got the live rock and some celerpura(yea i prob butchered the spelling.) I noticed in the bags of celerp there was some red worms like things which i was told were fine and i also noticed something atttached to the bag which looked like a really tiny sea anenome. So i thought o cool a free anenome and i put it in. It attached itself to the celerp and i have been monitiring in the paast few days. However this morning i was looking at it and it appered like it tripled in size(o yea i have no idea wat kind it is. and its still only like a cm in diameter) i show it to my friend and he looks in the tank and is like dude u got 2. Im say wtf and look and there was. I decide to do some investing in the tank and discover there are about 8 or 9. Now i start to panic b/c i dont know if it came w/ 8 or 9 or they are just reproducing like crazy and if they are reproducing like crazy will they take over my tank. So i was wondering if anyone knows what i should do. It appears to be that the anenomes have a whitish base and brownish marron tenticalles w/ bulb like things at the tips. thanks in advance
yea just looked again some appear to be an orangish brown color im trying to find some 1 on my floor w/ a good digi cam to take pics
Hi welcome to the forum,
With out a picture my assesment might be off ,but do to the speed of there multiplication I say that it is a aiptasia- glass anemone or Anemonia majano.Check out google for some pictures.If it is either of theese you want get them out ASAP so they dont take over the tank.
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I would get a small needle and syringe from the pharmacy and start injecting them with lemon juice. In a tank your small you might only do a couple at a time(just monitor the PH), but I also would think they are aiptasia and should be removed.
its definatly majano. i just bought a cleaning crew for my tank that comes w/ peppermint shrimp. I no they eat aiptasia but will they eat the majano's
Pepermints are a mixed bag sometimes they eat aitasia and other small polyps and sometimes they wont.I would try Brandon's sugestion