help me pick some beautiful lps'

Brains can be touchy. I wouldn't spend $180 on one!!

Easier LPS include trumpets, candy canes, blastos, frogspawn, hammer, torch, fox coral, bubbles coral, etc.
I would definitely say to choose something easier at first. euphyllia corals would be good lps to start with. hammer, frogspawn, torch, bubble, etc.
I really like the zoanthids, bubble coral, brain coral, mushroom, hammer, and frogspawn. The ones that look like anemones are really cool too.
no offence, and please, i'm just asking the question, but if i'm reading this correctly, you've just started up and your tank is what a coupel months old at most? isnt it a little early for corals of any kind? age/stability?

maybe not, and if so, then please forgive me, but i just thought it'd be a good idea to bring it up and clear the air about it....
Here are some nice looking LPS corals

Brain coral


Torch coral

Hammer coral

Bubble coral

Just some pics of mine for you to see how pretty they are.
Just research the corals you like.That way you know what can touch and what cant.
But generally speaking,if 2 corals are the same species,then they'll be fine next to each other.
And not just corals stinging each other,some types of corals use chemicals to keep other corals away.
Hammers and frogspawns can touch each other and be fine. Torches will fry anything they touch but another torch(I REALLY like torches :) )
Anemones require higher lighting and water quality than most corals. So you could get an anemone, but it usually takes around a year or so for your tank and your habits to mature enough to keep one alive.