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Reefing newb
could this be a carpet anemone????

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no that is a toadstool, its a very nice soft coral. You dont want to be adding nem to a young tank anyways, especially a difficult to keep nem like a carpet. Plus they get waay too big for a 30 gal.
thanks, for the fast response. I got this from my lfs and of course they said it was a carpet and it would be ok in my thirty i plan on changing into a 125 gal tank but it may be in the more toward January.just curious what should i have paid for one of these. also how do i feed it/ care for it. by the way this isnt a new tank i have had it for over a year now and only add a little at a time so may look young
if your LFS cannot tell the difference between a carpet anemone and a toadstool , i would run as fast as i can away from them and find a good knowledgeable LFS
Your lfs is crazy, that is nothing like a carpet nem. I would be super cautious of what they tell you if they tried to sell you that as a nem. And around here that would go for around $40, because its a pretty nice size. It doesnt need anything other than light, they are very hardy, forgiving coral.

Also, make sure you research something before you buy it. A quick google search of carpet nems would at least let you know what you were looking for. And then you would have found out that they need a much bigger tank, they are super aggressive and likely to catch and eat your fish. What kind of lighting do you have anyways? All nems need higher than average lighting and require pristine water conditions.

But for future reference, this is what a carpet nem looks like:

Saltwater Aquarium Invertebrates for Marine Aquariums: Carpet Anemone, Assorted
Saltwater Aquarium Inverts for Marine Reef Aquariums: True Carpet Anemone - Brown
thanks so much but its kinda one of those things i didnt plan on getting, just kinda happened. lighting is another issue i have been looking into since i got my aquarium i bought the more expensive led light and then last week i bought another one because i wasnt sure if the leds were working. i posted a pic to show you you what kinda lights i got. Thanks for the help as you can see the web is the only place i can rely on.
Neither of those lights on there own would be able to properly light for a carpet nem, and I doubt the combination of them would either. The LEDs might be able to light for bubble tip, but the jury is still out on that.
i have two clowns and a cleaner shrimp any advice on what other kinda fish would do alright with those in a thirty gal. tank?? thanks for sharing all your knowledge.
depends on what kind of goby you want , if you want a sifter the chances it pairs with a pistol are slim , if you want a goby that pairs with the shrimp then slim chances it will sift your sand