HeavyHittah is reminding you to buy Maricultured/Aquacultured Livestock

i do agree it is wrong for these fish to be taken out of their habitat like that, but by having fishtanks, we all encourage this everyday. Even if you do buy cultured fish and corals, the industry still moves forward and there are things like liverock which will always come from the wild. To that guy's deffense, at least he is using air and not chemicals that will do much greater damage.

on a side note... everytime i watch this kind of video i always look at my tank right after and think about how much happier all my fish would be in the wild where they belong
The reality of the matter is,most of the fish we keep cant be bred in a tank.Corals are a different story.Its fairly easy to find tank raised and aquacultured corals..
And we dont really know how our fish are caught,or we would put the un-ethical importers out of bussiness.
if they wanted to get there point across they shouldnt have used such a clean facility as there demo, and they shouldnt have shown fish getting hand caught. those are both responsible practices
yea i guess i see what you guys are saying. and i feel that our hobby is doing its part as far as making our own liverock and seeding with a few pieces of wild LR (or aquacultured rock) and its so easy to get frags that there's no big need to go out and collect wild corals (maybe for something real rare) but when it comes to the fish, i wish we had more ways of breeding all kinds of species but i know its hard. i guess its hard to find ways to offset wild caught fish/livestock.
but i still feel that people need to buy more aquacultured rock whether they decide to do 50/50 aquacultured and dryrock or all aquacultured its still better then getting all wild LR. i just want us to do better i guess so that when i have kids i can take them to the ocean and be able to show them everything i love about it. Im an Aquarius so i guess its just the water in me!:mrgreen:
yea i see your point dustin, i just watched one where they used cyanide(sp?) to catch em. (forgot to get the link) and they said most of the time those fish go belly-up once unsuspecting people put them in their tanks, then they just go complain and get another one and so on and so forth.
i remember reading about how the fiji live rock is collected, ill try and find the link, but they were talking about how they only collect rock that has fallen off the reef or was blown away in a storm and they only pick it off the floor and dont actually pull the rock off the reef structure
found it, here is an excerpt from a very interesting read about mariculture centers

"At another exporter it was interesting to watch the process of collection and processing of Fiji live rock, a staple in the hobby for many years. The rock is collected in areas where it has fallen in chucks from the formal reef structure and is simply picked up by hand by native workers that walk out to the site with a small canoe in tow that they fill with rock and haul back to the warehouse site. The rock is then unloaded and larger pieces of sponge are removed as the rock is stacked in plies. The piles of rock are continuously sprayed with saltwater from misting nozzles located in the ceiling. After the rock is cured in this manner for a few days it is then packaged for export. This rock is very colorful and teaming with life, and this rock has served as the foundation for many reef aquariums worldwide."

here is the article http://www.pacificeastaquaculture.com/Solomon.aspx
I have NO doubt that the reefs are suffering due to the aquarium trade but merely taking a fish from the ocean is not necessarily a bad thing. Many experts are saying Flounders are now a diminished species! When's the last time you had flounder for dinner? My rule is that if a species is on the IUCN red list, then I'll buy only tank bred specimens.

As far as the issue of LR collection goes: I've traveled to many developing nations and seen the incredible lack of oversight and enforcement that goes on. If you think there is no illegal rock collection in a country like Fiji or the Philippines simply because they have a law -you are naive.
