Hard Green Algae


Reefing newb
Help, I have this hard green algae on my sides of my small reef tank!
Had to scrape it off with a scraper!
Could anyone tell me what is causing this?
I would bet that it's green coralline if it's growing on the glass and isn't hairy. Buy a scraper with a razor blade, that should take care of it.
What are your perameters? If it has hairs then it's not good algae and is feeding off of phosphate and nitrates. The key is to find were it's coming form (over feeding, lack of water changes, feeding pellets, lack of skimming, large bioload, ect....) and fix the problem.
I get it from time to time if I get lazy and don't clean off the front of my tank. I got a glass scraper from the LFS and it works great. I need to scrape off the hard algae once a week. Just part of the hobby IMHO
