hanmer doing the split!


they call me fish geek ;p
syracuse, ny
So my hammer corals mouth was looking a bit weird for a while. It was stretched horizontally. Looked like it was frowning well I came home from work tonight. Turned the moonlights on and now it has two mouths! It's growing right?! Im happy. I've only had it for a few months.
Thats the only way mine has grown. No new branches, just head splitting.....not sure how old the first pic is but its old i know that.


Thanks Amber. I guess the branches that the hammer frag came with have grown in overall length, I have no new branches, but about 11 heads total now compared to the 3 i started with. Im interested in why that is. Hoping some vets can chime in on this.
Dana mine looks like your first picture but forming into two heads from one. your pictures look awesome by the way. I can't wait till my hammer gets that big!
He is building the fleshy parts of his body faster than he can build his skeleton. If you are target feeding him i would stop and let him catch up on build the skeleton.
I don't see anything wrong with it growing too fast ;P
I mean, can it really get TOO big for itself? I don't think so. I think it will even itself out if it needs to.

Anyways, My Frogspawn went from 6 heads to 20+ and is JUST now starting to sprout new (legit sized) branches on its own, rather than splitting.
Its a little over a year old now.