Hair cut time


Reefing newb
I have a lot of hair algea so I am going to try and remove it. Any suggestions? Plan so far is to remove all rocks and coral that are not suck down in sand. Then brush those things and put them in a bucket and use tank water to make sure they are covered. Clean the rest of the remaining rocks and power heads in tank and suck the floating hair out. replace rocks and coral fill with fresh salt water. And see how much grows back in a "day":frustrat: I have just put in a phosban reactor so I hope this helps.


here are some pics of what I am battleing. There is alot more!@#$%
Let me know if I am missing anything or if this sounds ok, going to tackle this in the morning. Thanks
If you can do it blacking out the tank for a couple of weeks will get rid of it all. You just need to keep up on water changes during that time to remove the nutrients as the algae dies off.

Not everyone can do that though but it works.