Hair algae


Reefing newb
What is the best fish/invert to help control hair algea in a 29 gal tank? I was thinking a lawnmower blenny/gobby but was told by LFS I had only a 20% chance. Or I would need about 50 blue hermitts. Let me know what you guys think.
The lawnmower blenny mite starve to death after it ate all your algie. Try a rabbit fish or a seahare goodluck.

Sorry but you can't put a rabbitfish in a 29 gallon tank. A sea hare would work, but be sure you can bring it back to the LFS when it's done, because they go through algae quickly. Have you tried Mexican turbo snails? One or two of them would work well in your tank.
I will stop by and see if they have a sea hare or Mexican turbos. The lawnmower they had was only 1-2" long, there is what seems like alot of hair algea now. I just did a light out for three days with a 10gal water change. So I am going to see if it is any better by next weekend or if it all just grows back. Than I would add something. How many hermitts and snails should I be going for in this tank? Right now I have 4 arstea snails and 4 hermitts and 2 nass snails.