grocery store water


Reefing newb
has anyone ever got ammonia and nitrates in RO grocery store water. i thought id test some just to see what the actual color was for zero, but it looks like ammonia is .03 and nitrates are 5 to 10 is this even possible with RO water or are they just selling me tap water?
It happens a lot. As Smitty said, stores aren't always careful about changing their filters as often as they need to. That's why it's still important to test store-bought waters.

An LFS here used to sell "RODI water" that had nitrates at 20+. Buyer beware!
Why wouldn't you have them test it at the store before you bought it?....Kinda along the lines of asking them to feed the fish before you buy it.
thats not even at a lfs.....the closest one is 2 hours away that is just the grocery store. But i did find a store that had water with no nitrates! seems like all 3 sources of RO water in town have a small amount of ammonia tho