Good Tip on All-in-1 tanks


Reef enthusiast
You may remember my recent post about my troubles getting rid of the last 10ppm of nitrates. Tonight, I took everything (skimmer, heater, grate, bioballs, pump, chaeto, etc.) out of the three back chambers and used a tank vacuum to clean out the chambers. I've never seen such brown, muddy water come out of a tank! It was disgusting. There wasn't 1 inch of visibility in that water. I could see crud down in there with a flashlight but I did not know there was that much. I do filter all water that goes back there thru a piece of floss. If you own an All-in-1, (RedSea Max, Biocube, Ecocube, etc.) Try vacuuming the back chambers or look in there with a flashlight.
I clean out my overflows at least once a month. They get all kind of crap in them. Plus I have to dig out the zillion snails that seem to like it in there.