good deal on live rock......


Reefing newb
Hi all, my name is marc. Im new to the saltwater world. :Cheers:
im presently gathering my accesories slowly..I have my 125g tank and one mj1200 power head with mod so far.
I found a guy who has live rock for sale from his tank. he closing down his....
hes got 70+lbs of fiji rock and 5lbs clean live rock.hes asking 250$ for all witch is a good deal(its 8.99 a lbs here.)
my question to u fine people is if i buy this rock from him, what can i do to tell if its good rock and second, how can i keep it good till im ready to use it(3 months away)
Thanks for any info.....
You can store it in large rubbermaid tubs w/ saltwater, a heater, and a powerhead. Expect some die off, but it doesn't always happen that way. But at least, it will stay live. I'd toss some food in there, too, once in a while, just to feed the bacteria.

Oh and Welcome to the site!
Keep the temp around what you would keep your tank (so around 78 F). You dont' need to put a lot of food...just toss a piece of cleaned shrimp in there or a bit of frozen food...not a lot....just enough to keep your bacteria happy :) You might not even really need to put food in there...maybe someone will chime in. Not sure though, cuz it's 3 months.

Hell, I don't even do water changes THAT Often! LOL Just keep it topped off w/ rodi to compensate for evaporation.