

I don't work for anybody
So I went ahead and got another something to kill...an encrusting goniapora. Never tried one of them. I have heard that the need to be fed. Would marine snow and cyclopeeze work for it? Should I use that nifty trick with the 2-liter bottle? weekly feedings? can I take it out of the tank and play with it? it just looks so inviting. I would like to hear hints about keeping one alive for more than 3 months. I have killed three flower pots in the past and this one is encrusting, so it is supposed to live???

I figure posting pics is the kiss of death for me, so I will wait and endure constant ribbing for not posting a pic. y'all can kiss my a$$ (Yote, did I spell that right, finally?)

-Dr Marco :sfish:
i am new hewre so i dont know if you know this or not, but Goniopora's have a very low survival rate in captivity. no one really knows why it is just how it is i guess. i would give it moderate flow and lighting and see how it does. i had one for 2 years before, but it finally died off. once they start to go ... they are done. keep an eye out for tissue receding around the base, because once that starts it is just a matter of time.

i have to go to work ... bbl.
no pics?? what did i do to you to get punished that way??..damn world..first they cancel in living color, britney gets fat, now dr marco doesnt wants to share pics...
I've been feeding mine a mix of marine snow, phytoplex, chromaplex, selcon and cyclopeeze. Seems to be doing okay, and is getting some color back. Freak says that they are such slow eaters, that they really need to be fed using the soda bottle or else everyone else will take their food from them :(.

And yes, I think they are *supposed* to live, but whether they do or not is a different story :).
no pics?? what did i do to you to get punished that way??..damn world..first they cancel in living color, britney gets fat, now dr marco doesnt wants to share pics...

BRAVO !!! rigo i have been thinking the same thing.

Where are the photos Dr.Marco
Where's the pic.....you know its my favorite coral,right?

Reefkeeper is right to a point.They do have abysmal survival rate but I think things are changing.There's a more understanding of their needs today.Low-moderate flow and lighting and I hear they like a little dirty water(that should workout great for Biff-jk),say maybe 20-50ppm nitrate.Cyclopeeze will work but a potpourri(OMG did I say that) of say cyclops,mashed mysis,oyster eggs and selcon would work better.Even crushed up flakes and pellet food(less algae) works mixing with other foods.They sell a product called Reef Roids which was specifically sold to feed Gonis.I'm going to try some soon because its cheaper and I'm starting to hate mixing up concoctions.With all the big and aggressive fish you have,it prolly be better to use the soda bottle for feeding.BTW,one more thing,if you have it on the sand bed,make sure the tentacles don't get buried,starvation and brown jelly are the biggest killers to Goni.Good luck and post some damn pics Doc!

Like I told Biff,make daddy proud!
Here's a pic Piggy of mine......
I plan to add a red and purple goniopora to my fuge.

Mine is actually doing remarkably better. I've been feeding it every day, and more of the polyps are getting color back. Looks like it's going to be a red one!
I have it placed on the sand bed. Should I place it higher? Dominick, I thought you said they like lower light and moderate flow. That is on the sand bed. It is a green one, very much like the one you posted, except it is pretty damn big. I will do a water change then take the time to shoot a pic for you (grumble, such a pain in the ass).

How about a combo of marine snow and cyclopeeze? will that work to feed it? can I feed it weekly and still keep it alive or am I going to have to feed it daily?

-Dr Marco:sfish:
I'm sorry Doc,its low to moderate flow.The higher the flow the less polyp extentions.Moderate lighting is also good.The sand bed should be fine.Under PC's you can place them just about anywhere

I'm not sure about the marine snow,it wouldn't hurt it any.Cylops will work for sure.
Feeding twice a week would be better.The more often the better without compromising water quality,of course.

She's a large encrusting Goni,huh?Hurry with the pic.

Biff the reds and purple gonis are somewhat easier to care for.
reeffreak, you're a stud. Now then, about that trick with the 2-liter bottle. How long do I keep it on the coral? I don't want to restrict water movement too much. plus, i am not sure if it will fit over the coral, it is pretty long. what else might do the job?

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I'm such a stud you had to post it twice!

If a 2-liter doesn't fit try a 3-liter bottle instead.You can always try turning off the pumps and see how that goes.
biff, you lack the equipment to be a stud. I can give you an honorable mention though.

Here are some quick pics just to keep Yote happy

-Dr Marco :sfish:



i took the pics just after changing the water, so he is not truly happy. I will try to get better ones later.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
It does look like the same species but much larger than mine.I bet when she fully opens it will be something to behold.She also looks very healthy,nice amount of brown in the tissue.
yeah, just about the size of a cantelope. The question is, can I keep it alive. I bought some cyclopeeze and coral plankton from liquid life (ever heard of it or tried it?). I am hoping to keep this sucker alive.

-Dr Marco :sfish: