Goby funeral


Reef enthusiast
Well, I lost a SW fish for the first time... I think he starved to death, but I'm not sure. He was a banded goby, and there wasn't any external damage to him.... although, the guy at the LFS said he'd almost been eaten by a lionfish a few days before i bought him.... was rescued right outa the lion fish's mouth. AFter that, the goby hardly ever came out from under rocks... once in my tank, he seemed to feel a little safer for a few days, but then stopped coming out altogether 3 days ago. :( Not sure what the deal is, but it's sad.
Sorry for your loss, I know how you feel, my fish are part of my life. I am just devestated when I lose a fish.:sfish:
Sorry to hear that, but the lfs should not have sold you the extremely stressed fish. He may have had internal wounds from the lionfish trying to eat him, and slowly died from them.