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Reefing newb
I bought a black pecullia yesterday and i want him to go in to my long tentacle anomone any suggestions on how to get him to do it
BE PATIENT!!!!!! Could take a while, could be quick. give it 3 months and if no success get it a mate. If you already have a pair or two, just have to wait it out to see if all will take. A. Percula host anemone species: Heteractis crispa, Heteractis magnifica, and Stichodctyla gigantea. hope this helps. give it some time.
Or you could have a clown like mine that thinks one of the firefish is its mate! I can't add another clown because I know the firefish's heart will be broken :) I guess I have weird firefish, the other one schools with the yellow tang...
what if i add another clown that will go in the anomone will that intice the black osellaris to go in? i have tried just feeding the anomne and he will go close but will just wait for any extra food to fall off the anmone