

Reef enthusiast
ok, i found a glue, im not sure if its useful, ive bought it, its called

'bostic pool repair adhesive'

the name is what kind of scares me, 'pool repair adhesive ' but im not sure what to look for as to whether or not it will be safe for the tank. ebcause its made to be applied above or below water.

any idea how i can now?
Ya idk about that....i use super glue can usually buy it anywhere and is dirt cheap.....just make sure when you apply it to your coral or rock you dip it into a different container to ativatite the gel before adding it to the tank...not sure if that makes a differance but when i first did it i saw a lil chemical spill at the top of my tank for a quick i just pre dip in diff containter to activate it then put in tank.
thanks, i really want to try this glue, but im fearing for the tank. hrmm, so no idea what actually would poison the tank
Well to be honest id say ditch what you have and go to walgreens and get super glue gel...or wal mart... k mart....dollar store...idk...but remember to pre dip anything you do just for pre cations
Just use super glue gel. It doesn't have to be name brand stuff. As long as it says super glue gel you're fine. I wouldn't use that pull repair stuff at all.
I agree...I'm not an expert with chemicals but there are different levels of "toxic" for humans. A swimming pool usually has chlorine in it so I assume the levels of toxic for a swimming pool are more laxed than something you might eat or swallow.

I use super glue gel as well. It works awesome! I glued my sun coral to a rock with very little surface area and it is holding almost permenantly. No issues
I'm with the consensus on this one. Not worth the risk go with the superglue gel. FYI stay away from the advanced formula crap I got some and it spreads very thin.