getting rid of pistol shrimp...


The Damsel Defender
so i came home to find my poor little mandrin Scooter floundering about half dead... his tail was ripped to shreds and he had a bunch of chunks taken out of him and i think i just solved the reason why....

at night hes sleeping in front of one of my larger rocks... he was laying there right now and a pistol shrimp fricken came out and SNAPPED at him!! poor little guy wasn't going to recover so i put him out of his misery (RIP Scooter :( ).... how the heck do i get rid of these guys? the gal at the LFS says its normal to have em but i don't want them! i keep having fish going missing and they are making me think i've got a mantis when its really them. I've seen 2 of em and can't get either of the rocks out without taking apart the whole tank :grumble: what would you guys suggest?
yea, thing is I just recently moved so i had to re-aquascape the tank.... and so those rocks are at the bottom... i wish i would've know they were there before the move
Maybe Yote could take some time off and visit you. He loves stalking the mantis shrimp. Tell the parents he is the new tank bodyguard.

But I really do not know, I had a banded shrimp in mine once. I got him and then later got too big so I had to basically trick him and pulling out his rock.
Sorry, to hear about your scooter. Man, thats scary. i think i have one in my tank and i hope nothing like that happens. good luck removing him. pistol shrimp has never attacked my fish. Just the firefish lives in the cave w/ him, and he leaves my goby alone. But maybe because the mandarin was more docile? Dunno. Sorry to hear though. I love mandarins. They're gorgeous.
Sorry to hear that Sharkie.
The simple way to catch a pistol is to place some food in a net.Place the net right at the shrimps hole,then when he comes out for the free meal,just scoop him out.
LOL. i'll try that... they are pretty sneaky tho :( I have dubbed them Smith and Wesson.... lol. i know, those are rifles not pistols but :p lol.

is there a goby i could get to lure them out with perhaps? i dont mind them in there if they aren't going to kill anyone.... im just afraid to get another mandrin right now because of them
May be the Mandarin was sick and dying?

I'm not sure on that one, he was nice a fat and i breed my own cops and dose the tank daily. plus they are all over the glass and rockwork :l he was swimming around perfectly fine yesterday morning when i fed and checked on everyone
That's strange Sharkie. Sounds as if the pistol did do him in. I wouldn't think it would have been large enough to harm him. It must have ambushed him while he was asleep like you said.