Getting Biocube 29


Reefing newb
Just figured out im getting a 29 gallon biocube for Christmas!!! Since i have almost a full month before i get to do anything with it i want to have it all planned out. First off all i want to keep in it now is a pair of clownfish, a goby, a blenny, and various soft corals- zoas, frogspawn, mushrooms... can i keep torches or a hammer with the stock lighting?? Im going to use distilled water.

There are so many mods that i have seen and i dont know which ones are worth the time.

Chamber 1- Remove false floor and remove tab between chambers 1 and 2 to create more flow

Chamber 2- Everybody says take out bioballs so i will do that.

Chamber 3- Upgrade pump??? which one should i get to create more flow?

What i would like to do is to make a sump and an algae scrubber to put under the stand. I really dont want to drill the tank. Anyway i can just take 1/2 inch or 1 inch clear tubing to create a siphon from one of the chambers to the sump?

Thats all for now i guess... thanks for any help:D
Frogspawns aren't soft corals, there in the same family as hammer and torch corals. All three should do just fine under the stock lighting.

What i would like to do is to make a sump and an algae scrubber to put under the stand. I really dont want to drill the tank. Anyway i can just take 1/2 inch or 1 inch clear tubing to create a siphon from one of the chambers to the sump?

You can do that, I did a sump that same way with my NanoCube for a while. Yesterday, I actually disconnected the whole thing and I'm running it stock again. It was really way more trouble than it was worth running it that way.
You can do that, I did a sump that same way with my NanoCube for a while. Yesterday, I actually disconnected the whole thing and I'm running it stock again. It was really way more trouble than it was worth running it that way.

Do you have an trouble with algae??? I just dont want algae all over the tank
I had some trouble with algae but, nothing different than everyone has when their tank is first setup. All I run now is some filter fiber and PURA Pad (Phosphate removal)in the back chamber. I do get some film algae that shows on the glass after a week or two but, I believe people that run algae scrubbers get that too (I may be wrong though).
Just figured out im getting a 29 gallon biocube for Christmas!!! Since i have almost a full month before i get to do anything with it i want to have it all planned out. First off all i want to keep in it now is a pair of clownfish, a goby, a blenny, and various soft corals- zoas, frogspawn, mushrooms... can i keep torches or a hammer with the stock lighting?? Im going to use distilled water.

There are so many mods that i have seen and i dont know which ones are worth the time.

Chamber 1- Remove false floor and remove tab between chambers 1 and 2 to create more flow

Chamber 2- Everybody says take out bioballs so i will do that.

Chamber 3- Upgrade pump??? which one should i get to create more flow?

What i would like to do is to make a sump and an algae scrubber to put under the stand. I really dont want to drill the tank. Anyway i can just take 1/2 inch or 1 inch clear tubing to create a siphon from one of the chambers to the sump?

Thats all for now i guess... thanks for any help:D

I have a reef system in my 29G Biocube. Yes, take out false floor in chamber one and out heater in there. Yes, remove tab from chambers 1 to 2.
I filled chamber 2 with cheato and carbon after scraping the black paint off the back so the refugium light could grow the cheato. I put a Rio 6hf pump in chamber 3. I use loc-lines to create 2 flow outputs.

Living reefs is my number one reefing site, but has an incredible amount of information on mod'ing BC29s. You won't believe it. Check their all-in-1 forum.
Thanks for the inputs... Now im flip flopping back and fourth... is it worth the trouble to add a sump/algae scrubber or just keep it an "all in one" system

What do you guys think of an auto top off? i was thinking about getting the jbj ato? Is it easy to install?

Do you guys think i can use shrimp (like the kind we eat) to feed the system? I can walk into my backyard and get a netfull:)
Alot of people swear by the JBJ, I haven't gotten mine to work sine it's been hooked up. I seem to be the only one to have trouble with it though.

Would you eat the shrimp yourself? I would be wary about putting something caught so close to shore in my tank. Too many toxins and pollutants dumped off shore for me. But, plenty of people do feed chopped table shrimp to their tanks.
Would you eat the shrimp yourself? I would be wary about putting something caught so close to shore in my tank. Too many toxins and pollutants dumped off shore for me. But, plenty of people do feed chopped table shrimp to their tanks.
I do eat them and they are soooo good:).. Lol... I think if I collect the baby shrimp, probably less then a inch big, they would be better then the bigger shrimp which travel all over
I know for a fact that I want a pair of clowns. I like the fish that burrow in the sand so probably either a jawfish or goby. Would a firefish fight with any of these? I just want it to be
The firefish wouldn't, they're very shy fish but, no guarantee the goby would leave it alone. If you got a burrowing goby you could also get a pistol shrimp to go with it.
If you have live shrimp --cook them first! Anything live from the Ocean can easily infect your tank with parasites or all kinds of other pests.