Generic Tank Question


I failed Kobayashi Maru
If it ain'tn broke, don't fix it! LOL Kidding...I'm glad things are running smoothly! Congrats!!

There's always stuff you can do to improve, even when you're happy with your setup. Maybe you want to try something new, like a hob fuge for your mandarin's pods? (I mean, if you're looking for more things to do :) ).
I have a question about my tank. Here's my current setup. I've currently had this set up running for about 4 months. I'm not experiencing any problems, I check my parameters once per week, and so far so good. I dose with Kent essential elements weekly. 4ml of phyto daily. I dose calcium once per week.

(1)65g tank
(1)Fluval 404
(1)JBJ Light (PC's 3 watts per gallon)
(1)Powerhead @620gph
(1) Whisper 60 HOB filter
(1) CPR BackPack Protein Skimmer

(2) Clownfish
(1) Regal Tang
(1) Mandarin Goby
(1) Deresa Clam

As I mentioned, I'm not experiencing any problems but I would like to know if you would make any adjustments to the equipment or livestock that I have currently. I don't currently have a sump, but that may be something that I look into in the near future.


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Nice looking tank....I don't have any help for you, I'm still a newb. But somebody will give you some advice.
Are you having any trouble keeping your nitrates down? A problem that slowly crept up on me was doing water changes over and over, just to keep the nitrates down. Which was costing me money in salt (water too if you don't make your own RO water). The bigger the tank the greater the cost of water changes. Of course regular water changes are important, but its nice to be able to skip a week or two if you want.

A sump/refugium with macro-algae and/or a deep sand bed (6"+ deep) both help in keeping down or eliminating nitrates. If I had to do it over I'd skip the deep sand bed. If you don't have one already I'd also add a RO water filter.
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My nitrates stay right at about 20 ppm consistently. Nothing really to worry about. (so Ive been told) but havent had any issues with anything so far. Ive been doing water changes about once a week.Sometimes with RO water sometimes with tap.
I soon will have the 20 gallon long tank thats under my 65 linked as a sump and algae scrubber, but i spend all my money very rapidly on this god forsaken hobby of mine. My girlfriends on the verge of cutting me off because of my tank. I use PRC's RO filter that hes got. Hes my uncle for all you folks that didnt know..I'm sure he'll be posting some pics of the re-aquascaped tank that he has. Dont let him take any credit for it. Because i did it for him...but it looks a lot better than it did..Sometimes you gotta tell these old folks how to do things..thanks for the input everybody!
I would stop doing the water changes with the tap water. It might work for a while but eventually, it will come back and haunt you. I know from experiance.

Also, 20 ppm nitrate is fine for fish but getting very close to not fine for corals and inverts.
The reason we posted this, is because I've been telling him that he needs more flow. But we didn't want me saying does he need mroe flow? to influence the panel.
Looks sharp, aside from changing what fish/corals you want at the current time I would say sit back relax and enjoy the fruits of all that hard work.
The tank does look good.
But I would add at least one more powerhead.JMO,But the more flow you can get,the better the tanks gonna do.