foxface feeding


So my foxface has been a little finicky on the eating lately, not having his usual voracious appetite. I was a little concerned, but he was still eating a bit, so I kept an eye out on him. Then, this morning, I noticed - he's been eating the red slime algae! This guy eats EVERYTHING!!! Anyone else see that happening with a foxface?
I've not seen anything a foxface wouldnt eat.
I think that if you threw a spare tire in your tank,they'd probably try to eat it.
I just noticed he ate a HUGE patch of red slime algae during the day...what a fatty. Glad he's got the taste for it now, tho - it was like the slime reached a critical mass and he decided to go for it. Maybe it was ripe.
yeah, I'm going to slowly smuggle meat into his food so he gets a taste for it, and then one day, BAM, he'll ravage the damsels...or start molding algae into the shape of damsels..
My foxface is also a hog. There are a few things I can't put in my tank. He loves yellow polyps which sucks because I really wanted them.