fish "throwing up"?

I guess fish would be like anything else.Guess they need to up chuck sometimes.
Weather or not its normal,I have no idea.I've never seen a fish hurl before.
You sure its not just spitting food back out?
My fish do that fairly frequently during feeding time. My guess is they are in such a frenzy to beat the other fish to the food that they simply suck in more than they can process at once and it comes flying back out. It seems to happen most with flake food probably because it is relatively dry. This sounds like what you experienced since you just fed the tank and the fish ate alot. Keep an eye on the fish next time it feeds but I'm guessing it's a non-issue.
My 6 line has done that. I got him form a local guy and asked him about it and he said that he had done it a few times while he had him. I think its just because he eats to much to fast...he is a BIG PIG!!!