Fish suggestions?

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Seahorse Whisperer
I'm looking for suggestions on ny 55 gallon. I'm putting my 4 horses in there in a month or two and I'll add another 2-4 soon after. Right now, I've got this little clown in there and he looks lonely. I was thinking maybe I would add another fish. I'm looking for an herbavore (don't want it to eat my pods) hopefully this will be something bright colored and not very big. I'm not big on firefish or those creepy things with red eyes. Something exotic?

Thanks for any suggestions...
About any fish you put in there is going to eat a few pods.Even herbivores.
The problem is,you'll be keeping sea ponies in there and theres not any fish I can think of (except for pipefish) that would be good with the horses.:dunno:
You've stumpped me on this one C. :D
my little clown is fine with my ponies so maybe I'll get another. I've always thought fish were kind of boring so I don't know much about them. Those cardinal fish totally creep me out! Red eyes...... Eating a few pods is ok, something that preys on pods would be a problem. What do tangs eat?


The following hardy invertebrates are generally regarded as safe tank mates for medium to large seahorses and do not require special lighting, as do corals. Use caution when adding animals to the tank; seahorses are not strong swimmers, are not competitive feeders, and have very few defenses against aggression. With the exception of these clean-up crew animals it is generally advisable to
establish seahorses first, then add other animals. Remove a tank mate at the first sign of aggression. Many potential tank mates can help control algae and/or clean up uneaten food. Other animals such as certain non-aggressive fish and corals may be housed with seahorses; this is just a partial list of compatible "clean up crew" animals considered most likely to be safe with small to large seahorses. Not all of these animals should be considered safe with seahorse fry. See the tank mates section of for a more comprehensive list.

Photographer: Robert Sozzani
NOTE: Be sure you research the requirements of any compatible animals you wish to add to the seahorse tank before purchasing. For example, many corals, sponges, and gorgonians require special reef lighting or high water flow to thrive.

Fan worms including Feather Dusters (Phylum Annelida)
Astrea Snail (Lithopoma [Astraea] spp.)
Turbo Snail (Turbo spp.)
Nassarius Snail (Nassarius vibex)
Trochus Snail (Trochus niloticus)
Cerith Snail (Family Cerithiidae)
Nerite Snail (Nerita spp.)
Fighting Conch (Strombus alatus)
Blue-legged Hermit Crab (Clibanarius tricolor)
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)
Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni)
Scarlet/Blood Shrimp (Lysmata debelius)
Rockpool Shrimp (Palaemon elegans)
Grass Shrimp (Palaemonetes vulgaris)
(Shrimp are not considered safe around seahorse fry or H.zosterae (dwarf seahorse).

Notable groups that should be avoided:
Tangs, Triggerfish, Groupers, , Eels, Nudibranchs, Filter-feeding Sea Cucumbers, Sea Urchins with sharp spines, Fireworms, Spanish Dancer Flatworms, Fire Corals, Lace Corals, Anemones, Tube Anemones, all Cephalopods (Squids, Octopuses, Cuttlefish, and Nautilus-), Mantis Shrimp, Lobsters, Heliofungia spp. Corals, Cataphyllia spp. Corals, Euphyllia spp. Corals, Goniopora/Alveopora spp. Corals, Galaxea spp. Corals, and Hydnophora spp. Corals.
I`ve never mixed fish and seahorses. The fish will out compete the sea horses for food. I`ve always only had a species only tank when it came to seahorses.
Right, I've had horses for quite a while now. I was looking for a fish that would be docile enough to add in. It would be a tank set up for horses with a fish or two added in. My horses eat frozen food so it won't be a problem. I've kept one firefish in my pony tank before and they got along just fine.

I just heard from my seahorse expert, Pete Giwonja, who suggests these fish would be good with horses if your horses are aggressive feeders:

Purple Firefish Goby
Neon Goby
Midas Blenny
Percula clownfish
False percula clownfish
Blackcap Basslets
Six Line Wrasse
Flasher Wrasse
Green Mandarin Goby or Dragonet
Psychedelic Mandarin Goby or Dragonet
Orchid Dottyback

He had some other suggestions but I eliminated them. I don't know much about these fish. Anyone know if one of these are bright colored and a fish that will be happy if they are an "only fish" (doesn't need to be in a school to be happy). Thanks.

I like the gobies. Very pretty. Those could work.... I also like the mandarin goby. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Not trying to be difficult but I totally disagree with your expert. There is no way I would put most of those fish in with a seahorse. Most of them would wipe out the food source before the seahorses could get started. Sorry JME. Good luck with your tank.
Catherine, almost all of those are pod eaters. Some of them are obligate pod eaters -- they eat nothing but pods. If yours are eating frozen food, most of those fish are passive and docile and would probably be okay with horses. But if your goal is to find "vegetarian fish" that won't hurt your pod populations, those fish won't fit the bill :(
How about a couple of pipefish? Yeah they eat pods,but their basically just stretched out sea horses.:dunno:
I started this thread before I lost Calypso. Calypso was my only non-frozen food eating fish and I spent a lot of time and money pumping pods into my tank because she overfished it. Now, my three remaining horses are aggressive frozen mysis eaters. I am usually the first one to stand on my soapbox and state that horses need to be in species only tanks with only non-aggressive soft corals but I know that when I move my ponies from a 26 gallon to a 55 gallon then I can add a small docile fish or two if I select the fish properly. Mike, I appreciate and agree with you which is why I'm being rather careful about what, if any, fish would go in there. After today, I'm putting this thought on the back burner for a while.

Thanks so much everyone for your input.

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