
LivingReefs is like home
Recently while searching the common marine fish websites i came across a fish that was black with like electric blue swirls on him. It kind of looked like an angelfish but that may not be what it was. it was a side picture of the fish. I remember it being in the middle of homepage on whichever website. does anyone have any suggestions what it might be or sounds like?? does it sound familiar??
Recently while searching the common marine fish websites i came across a fish that was black with like electric blue swirls on him. It kind of looked like an angelfish but that may not be what it was. it was a side picture of the fish. I remember it being in the middle of homepage on whichever website. does anyone have any suggestions what it might be or sounds like?? does it sound familiar??

this one
Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums: Blueface Angelfish
the juvenile blueface angel looks the closet to what i saw, but instead of stripes it was in a circular pattern. im mad that i cant find this fish>:(