First fish


I know that I don't know
We got a yellow watchman goby, our first fish in the 40. Yeah!! He is so cute. We saw an article in Aquarium Fish International magazine that showed making a burrow of PVC tunnel with an elbow on and bury it in the sand. We did this in preps for a potential firefish or jawfish. Well our first fish, Bob, the yellow watchman goby likes the burrow.

He is so cool that I thought I would share.


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I got him from Pacific East Aquaculture, last week. Now thinking about next fish is another month or so I guess. Waiting stinks sometimes, but an ammonia spike is worse so wait it is.
Now he needs a pistol shrimp!! My Yellow Watchman has his very own Tiger Pistol shrimp, they are so cute together!! They Live under a big rock in the center of my tank:) You don't have to wait to add a Tiger Pistol shrimp either