First Coral


Reef enthusiast
Ill be picking up my first non-hitchhiking coral tomorrow. 14 heads of neon green candycanes for 60 bucks. Pics will come probably on saturday. Im also picking up new electronic ballast to replace the magnetic ones that I dont really want. two new 250w icecaps.
Hahaha, I have a one track mind, when I found this forum there was no turning back. I just want to send out a sincere thank you to all of you that have helped me in getting my system up and running, and for educating me enough to get to this point. I am more thankful than I can express here.

Hahaha, I have a one track mind, when I found this forum there was no turning back. I just want to send out a sincere thank you to all of you that have helped me in getting my system up and running, and for educating me enough to get to this point. I am more thankful than I can express here.


Ha. Too bad my impressive powers of mind control over all things fishy don't apply to other areas. (I really would like a new car, hint, hint!)
Well Im picking it up at 630 two hours away, have to feed the family then come home then acclimate, its going to be a long night as it is. If it opens up and looks nice Ill get some up sooner.
Ha. Too bad my impressive powers of mind control over all things fishy don't apply to other areas. (I really would like a new car, hint, hint!)

Go ahead,pick whatever you want.I'll seen you a check.

Oh and congrats on your first corals Ryans.What you spent so far will only be a drop in the bucket compared to what you will be spending now.
We've waited and watched your build for how long?:mrgreen:
Now we gotta wait till saturday for pics of a coral in there?Thats like waiting for a tank to cycle:D
congrats on the first coral ryan, and yote i think we can wait a whole day for pictures, i mean how long did we wait because of biff telling him to redo his entire house cause she "didnt like the wallpaper"?
candy canes are great and grow so fast. I started off with about 7 heads and the guy through in a branch that broke off with 4 small heads. Now the thing is almost 3 times as big in maybe 3 months time.
congrats Ryan, candy canes should be a pretty easy starter LPS. It's all over for you now, though. I think it's an impossibility to only have one coral, next thing you know you'll be looking into acros and other SPS :)
Well here is a pic of the Candycanes acclimating, dont look that nice but ya'll wanted pics quickly. I only ended up getting 10 heads as an aptasia stung the coral late last night and some needed to be removed. So here they are.


I also stopped to pic up my new ballasts at the LFS in Rochester and decided to get a fish as well, I was planning on adding either a brown scopas tang or the pair of clowns first but I grabbed a lawnmower blenny instead, he caught my eye as he was voraciously shredding some algae in the display refugium I knew then that I had to have it. Sorry for the bad pic my camera sucks at close ups.

The candy cane has great color. You'll have to post a pic once it's fully opens. Can also see a outline of a blenny. Great additions.