firefish eating


Reefing newb
I put a firefish in my tank to replace the 6line that got the boot. My black clown has decided he is going to take over. He's been eating everything in sight. He will sometime charge at the firefish now. The firefish barley gets a few mysis before he's chased/retreats back to his cave. Will the firefish learn to be bolder if he wants to survive?
Unfortunately, the firefish is a very timid fish and will do exactly like yours is doing if a more aggressive fish is around and eventually starve. You could always try to put your clown in a "time out" basket until he learns to leave the other tank mates alone but remember that clowns are part of the damsel family and can get belligerent as they get older and more dominate.
Phroger's right.
With the clown bullying the firefish,it probably wont last long.
You'll have to decide which one you like better,and remove one or the other.
If the firefish get startled he'll jump out of the tank. I would give it a day or two to see if the clown stops. If not then I would get rid of one of them.
yeah you'll probably have to get rid of one of them...if your really like firefish you could get a purple firefish...they tend to be a little more aggesive. Thats what I did in an older tank of mine and it worked pretty well.
Could you try feeding in 2 different spots? I just recently got a goby and I have to put food right in front of his "cave" so he will eat. I usually put some food in the tank for the clowns and shrimp to attack, then take a turkey baster and shoot some food over to the "goby cave".
My clown is a garbage disposal. I try to squirt food in one corner of the tank and then quickly squirt some away from him. The goby has been doing better. He's been eating and hasn't been getting runoff by the clown. He's been eating mysis and spirulina flakes.