Finding or trapping killer hermits


Reefing newb
Hey guys. I never see my hermit crabs and don't have time to watch my tank for hours to find em. How can I catch these bastards that have murdered 60 dollars worth of snails in 4 days!!!!!
What do they hitch hike on? The only think tey could have come with we're the fish crabs or snails. I haven't seen one or heard any clacking
Not much to do but watch for the hermits and remove them. Hermits will kill snails when given the opportunity for food or for the shell. Keep an eye out and grab them when you can. Maybe add a clam on the half shell to get them to gather in one spot to catch them.
The easiest way to catch hermits is to wait till after your lights go out and use a red flash light to find them. My hermits were always more active at night and easier to spot.
great, so i just learned that I had camelback shrimp and not peppermint shrimp. yeah, im pretty sure i found my culprits. especially considering i saw a shrimp eathing something that seemed a little big and meaty for something i put in the tank. lol.